Vision, Mission & Values

​​​Visio​​n​​​​​St Benedict's Mango Hill_Vision-Mission-Values_final-A3_background sm.jpg

Inspired by St Benedict's, we unite to Walk in God's Ways as a peaceful, compassionate and hope-filled community of learners who enrich our world.​​


At St Benedict's we bring alive our vision to​ Walk in God's Ways through how we live, love, learn and celebrate together to:

  • Live with Jesus to help develop balance, peace and wellbeing.
  • Foster a positively engaged community of learners.
  • Cultivate welcoming and respectful relationships.​

​​© BCE, St Benedict's Catholic Primary School (20​​​​​​​23)


  • Peace:  We bring love to life in ourselves and others, by living more with Jesus. Our prayerful intention to the ways God is present in all things
    calls us to relatively and sustainably care for the world and all resources.
  • Learning:  We work towards continued personal growth and love of learning, recognising our limits without losing hope and accepting our gifts with humility. We listen to scripture and to one another with 'the ear of the heart'.
  • Community:  We adopt habits of mind and behaviour that is life giving and contribute to the good of all, making everyone feel at home and welcome in a community that considers and maintains the wellbeing of all. We come as Guest.​

Artist Ration​​ale

Central to St Benedict's Vision and Mission poster design is the cross, a symbol at the heart of the Christian story and Catholic identity. The vertical and horizontal lines of the cross define its shape and divide the poster layout into clear zones.

The sweeping lines throughout the design create a rippling energy and suggest the layering of vivid, light-filled colour, an effect subtly reminiscent of stained-glass windows.

The colour of the cross increases in intensity from oranges to red towards the centre, a colour which traditionally signifies Jesus' Passion (suffering). From the centre, a living tree emerges, a reminder that the story of Jesus' dying is not an ending but a beginning. This tree, with the butterflies around its branches, symbolises the transformative power of new life, and the hope and mystery of the Resurrection which underpins Christian faith.

The visual of the cross, in addition to its symbolism and layout function, reveals a landscape—road, sky, land and water—emphasising the importance of place and visually connecting with St Benedict's school logo. Above the horizon line of the cross, the sun rises in a blue sky, while below is the land and water. In the landscape, the cross becomes a pathway. The dotted lines reinforce this, an invitation to Walk in God's Ways, finding their way to the centre of the cross, to the symbol of life.

The three people correspond once again to the school logo, representing a joyful, hope-filled community.

The three leaves are repeated in the Peace, Learnin​g and Community values icons. A symbol of life and growth, the leaves connect to the living tree, and visually unify the image of the heart (Peace), the book (Learning) and the people (Community).​

© BCE, St Ben​edict's Catholic Primary School (20​​​​​​​23)