Information Technology

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At St Benedict’s we have a thorough and well-supported technology plan that helps students become more effective, critical and knowledgeable learners.  ​​​We believe and are committed to:

PEACE The responsible use of digital devices will prioritise safety, develop balance, promote peace and support wellbeing to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

LEARNING We use digital devices purposefully to enhance high-quality, continuous teaching and learning for all members of our community.

COMMUNITY As a community, we work in partnership to ensure responsible stewardship and respectful relationships while using digital devices.

Through the use of 1 - 1 and class shared devices (in Years 4-6) students get to experience a plethora of learning experiences across the curriculum while learning about the ethical and legal responsibilities that come with these devices.

With the privileges that these devices afford our students come responsibilities that are clearly articulated in our Acceptable Technology use documents.  Students are provided with education on Dig​ital.​ Citizenship and use different devices, apps and software to fulfil the requirements set out in the​ Australian Curriculum.  Our teachers plan, with the General Capabilities in mind, while incorporating the skills, knowledge and understandings that are required to be effective learners in our digital world. Our Objectives include:

  • Our students are taught to use technology in a safe and appropriate manner and follow all rules and requirements when in use.
  • Our students understand the importance of confidentiality and cyber safety and are made aware of, and are alerted to these dangers.
  • Our students respect copyright obligations associated with using this technology.